7 April

Day 7

the Positives


On a global scale, the quietness of the Earth after us -
it stills its tiny vibrations, its tremors,
except for a low purr

And here, the purer air,
cities as birdscapes,
the almost absolute truth of a silent night

This poem was like looking away, just for an instant
into a calm blue abstract
Now I'm back, checking through the balance, an accountant

Vox pop

In the video clip, the grandson self isolating with his grandmother
dances with her to that old time, big band,
keepcalmandcarryon, long gone music

She moves to remembered songs
as we will one day, throw clumsy shapes to acid house
and say they don't make tunes like that any more

And he cuts her hair with the gentleness of a hairdresser ,or mother,
towel around the bird boned shoulders - -how vulnerable at any age,
the white nape of the neck , our delicate and forgotten selves

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