7 April

Day 6 (2)


the prompt was Flower, and I even included some gaelic..

Our garden was choked by
the blue of its flower and its heavy green.

We tried remedies-
for loneliness, the Thistle, feochadan,
for fear, Nightshade, lus na h'oidhche,
for grief, this- White Heather, fraoch ban,
salt water, uisge saile

For sickness, a Rose, ros,
For bored children, a lock of hair and
Apple blossom , blathan ubhal,
the tree trunk, crann craoibhe, was scored where we cut-
soon they'll grow beyond the mark, be saved

For the women, sore throated from shouting ,
the goose itself, geadh, snake necked and hissing,
for the angry, Rowan blossom, blathan caorainn,
for the bored, brittle Poppy, an cromlus,
Yellow Gorse, atain buidhe
for the sour and uncertain

Bitter Vervain, fer faen, for missed chances,
for sleeping, Foxglove , Lus nam ban sith,
for this strange season, Agrimony,mur-dhraidhean,
For comfort, Rosemary, ros mhuire,
and sweet Thyme, lus an righ, for changing

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