27 April

Day 27

Prompt - from napowrimo.net  -  write an unlikely review

Reviews - Money

“I didn’t find it as useful as everyone said; that Assyrian for example, who passed through my village last month and gave me a disc of gold in exchange for two of my most impressive sheep.
I have been unable to make use of this since and it is simply an attractive adornment on the ledge above my fire.”
Shepherd, 47, Turkey, 4000 BC
2/10 – need to work the concept out
“I, for one have never understood the actual use of the stuff- I like the having, not the spending. I have hoarded a large quantity given to me by grateful peasants and simply enshrined it in a room I call the gold room to watch the way the sunlight catches each coin and marvel in my possessing all of this. My lady wife seems to think I have a problem, but I could part with any one of them, though I have found removing one does disturb the order and the placing of the others and this worries me. I never dust. I want to have my money buried with me, coddling me, keeping my coffin warm, weighing me down.”
Miser 1278
8/10 – for collecting
“If it’s imaginary, yeah, and it is, kind of, cos it’s just paper and we’re all just getting more paper and working for paper and giving other paper for stuff, then it’s kind of like the world's biggest con and the world’s biggest book with all the pages torn out and if you took everything you had in terms of paper and put it into a pile and set it on fire with lighter fuel and match, then it would keep you warm. So it's useful for that as well, but not for long.”
5/10 -for the idea
“It’s a Godsend. Not so long ago, I was trying to decide the value of things as they related to each other. I was trying to estimate the trade of ten red apples – a pig’s flank, a pot, a shoe from an average shoemaker, the equivalencies are endless.  And that’s just basic things. Stuff gets very complicated when you zoom forward millennia or so. What's a song worth, or the viewing of a film, in a theatre in the dark? What’s your hard work worth, what’s insurance to be swapped for, what if I decide to put my dream on the market, what could you give me for it? How many children equal a diamond? And, what’s a poem worth in terms of bread?
Money is great, it’s a go between, it’s a scale, it’s a lingua franca, pax romanis. It’s that good, even the Pope has a bank. It controls the imagination, no more difficult translations, we have prices, stickers now. I exchange goods for services and vice versa all the time. Gold, paper, online, I love it.
Would recommend. “
BTW, what is a poem worth?”

Anon, would be philosopher, 2020
“I like copper –
as it aged, it faded green

and gold shone
and silver

Paper was fat in the hand
like a good love letter

But I can’t get on
with all these airborne signals

And it’s hard to feel rich
in zeros and ones”

Anon  -bring back real money

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