15 April

Day 15

Prompt - music you love - using the rhythm as a device

The Poundland Opera

And this poem has a limp, dear,
drags itself around the floor
so the dancers keep on dancing,
to the same song as before

And the charlatans, not the band dear,
but the liars on the Strand,
try out tricks dear
to keep us quiet, but they'll never understand

That this music is for strange times,
for the slackers and the thieves,
for the dealers on the corner,
in their hoodies, selling weed

All the nice folk stay inside dear,
and we would too, if we could
Call the police dear
They may come, dear
if you’re distant and you’re good


Any rhythm is hard to translate
But this taptap
flows then it limps
With my slow left hand
crashing too loud,
Sorry Erik,
I'm automaton

Iron with nailed soles,
poem of loss, 
painter of thin air,
dream manifests.
In the sunlight,
the notes in the dust
Always played this in sunlight,
I still hit like a child


Oh, newish modern torch songs,  
itching through the scratched up record
And blue sound cigarette smoke 
after cigarette smoke
when things were younger,
with our cool green walls

So many times the words 
slide by, like Rita Hayworth's silver dress 
and faceless men pull guns on nameless tracks
in lyrics now, like whispering
I'm so damn tired of playing
into the spyfilm dark

She's singing,  burning smoke and glass
She's drinking, long and bloody mouth
Give me a reason to love you

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